
  • Cloud
  • August 20, 2021
  • 0


Rittal wants to install and commission the 5G mobile communications network in Haiger as quickly as possible in a real manufacturing environment. The new wireless technology is aimed at greatly accelerating and simplifying data traffic – for example, in a video-based comparison of quantities with stored order data and in the step-by-step implementation of analytics for preventive maintenance. With the new 5G mobile communications standard, data can be processed at a rate of 10 gigabits per second. That is 100 times faster than with the present LTE standard. In the future, it will be possible to collect data that is generated and which is needed at sensors, components, machinery or robots faster than ever before in an edge or cloud data centre, and to then have it analysed and evaluated by means of artificial intelligence (AI). The necessary IT requirements have already been met at the new Haiger plant. For example, ONCITE is in operation. This is a highly available, AI (artificial intelligence)-based edge-cloud data centre for the rapid processing and analysis of industrial data in real time.




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