Hitachi Vantara And Telefonica

  • Cloud
  • August 20, 2021
  • 0

Telefónica Spain is the country’s leading telecommunications operator. Multinational companies rely on its IT services. Acting as an IT expert as well as an IT operator, the company is keen to take full advantage of the business benefits that fifth-generation telecommunications technology (5G) has to offer.
The 5G proof of concept gave Banco Santander the perfect opportunity to eliminate local storage. But rather than migrating storage to a central data center, the bank wanted to take advantage of the low latency of 5G telecommunications to create a regional storage resource at the Telefónica Spain telephone exchange closest to the local branch. Users would then be able to access data through 5G without any impact on performance. Telefónica Spain deployed HCP Anywhere edge file share version in a record time of just six weeks to support the 5G proof of concept. “Our collaboration with Hitachi Vantara first began in 2015 and it was the perfect partner for this high-profile project,” comments Ordóñez. “HCP Anywhere edge provides the cloud-connected storage at the ‘edge’ that the bank needed to support the 5G project.”




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