
  • Cloud
  • August 20, 2021
  • 0

IoT cloud platforms bring together capabilities of IoT devices and cloud computing delivered as a end-to-end service. They are also referred by other terms such as Cloud Service IoT Platform. In this age, where billions of devices are connected to the Internet, we see increasing potential of tapping big data acquired from these devices and processing them efficiently through various applications. IoT devices are devices with multiple sensors connected to the cloud, typically via gateways. There are several IoT Cloud Platforms in the market today provided by different service providers that host wide ranging applications. These can also be extended to services that use advanced machine learning algorithms for predictive analysis, especially in disaster prevention and recovering planning using data from the edge devices. 5G is next big evolution in cellular networks from its previous technologies of LTE, UMTS, and GSM. 5G is simply named as 5G, unlike 4G aka LTE, or 2G aka GSM. 5G offers very high throughput with ultra-low latency and more connected devices. With these new capabilities, 5G can support diverse applications including AR/VR, IoT, autonomous driving, 4K streaming, and more.




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